Designed to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment within organizations. They often include interactive activities, discussions, case studies, and role-playing exercises to help participants understand these concepts and their implications in the workplace. The workshops aim to raise awareness, promote understanding, and provide practical strategies for creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture.
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Companies or organizations who are starting from the very beginning in their Inclusion Journey Who are we? What’s our Why Inclusion (DEIAB)? What’s our commitment to being Inclusive? How do we hold ourselves accountable?


Companies or organizations who have a DEIAB/Inclusion statement, goals, and outcomes. Look at companies/organizations DEIAB/Inclusion statement to see how the statement aligns with their goals and actions Create an Intentional Inclusive Action Plan (individuals and company).

Intergroup Contact

Under appropriate settings, group contact is one of the most effective ways to reduce prejudice between groups. Allport hypothesized that properly managed contact between groups should reduce these problems and lead to better interactions. Christ O., Kauff M. (2019) Intergroup Contact Theory. (accountability touch points additional cost)

Inclusive Leadership

Leaders who are aware of their own biases and preferences who actively seek and consider different perspectives to inform their decision making. You will explore how to make sure that inclusive thinking is respected, managed, heard, and applied.

Stereotypes/ Implicit bias/Psychological Safety

Understand the impact of stereotypes and biased statements, even when casually said. Identify the most common reasons people sit silent in the face of bias and stereotypes. Enhance skills for speaking up against stereotypes without blame or guilt. Creating a Psychological Safety environment where individuals have a sense that individuals will not be embarrassed or punished for speaking up. Psychological safety leads to individuals and team members feeling more engaged and motivated in a belief that their contributions will matter.

The mask you live in

You will explore your visible and non-visible identities and intersectionality’s: The Impact of Identity: foster critical self-awareness as individuals will explore their own identities, including their unique characteristics and social locations. 2 hours depending on number of participants.


You will gain a better understanding of your privileges and what you can do with your privilege to help advance your workplace and community.

Intentional Inclusive Principles

Through inclusive actions individuals will be able to embrace their own identities, intersectionality’s, and values while deepening ones lived experiences to further ignite their understanding of intentional inclusive practices in a global society.


What’s Your Story (WYS): Who you are matters! Writing and telling your story/stories takes courage. 2-3hrs depending on the number of participants.

Create Your Own Intentional Inclusive Excellence Action Plan W.A.R

What’s Your Story (WYS): Who you are matters! Writing and telling your story/stories takes courage. 2-3hrs depending on the number of participants.

IDI: Intercultural Developmental Inventory

2-3 hours team results and individual results sessions.

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